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Before You Accuse Someone of "Theft"

We all agree that plagiarism and copyright infringement is bad, but is your perceived grievance warranted? Not everything is able to be copyrighted, and your feelings dont warrant an alarm bell.


The main page for the Mary-Sue section of the site, detailing my plans, and the one question I will never answer.

Fan Fiction:
Character Outline: Kershet

From the Young Justice universe, a young Atlantean trying to find her way and place in the world.


Nothing quite yet, but I do have some ideas jotted down.


Nothing yet.


Sorry, I don't have anything yet, but it is in the plans. As for what "miscellaneous" for here would mean, aside from my random generators, perhaps I'll add a playlist of music I like, or a collection of my favorite quotes? I'm not entirely sure yet.