Without a home, and without friends, this merb escaped her captors to find her father while in hiding.
NAME: | Magpie "Maggie" Falco | ||
TITLE: | Sequestered Mind | ||
SPECIES: | Merb | NATIONALITY: | Atmosian |
AGE: | 20 | BIRTH-DATE: | June 28 |
TIME OF BIRTH: | 8:20AM | ZODIAC: | Cancer |
SEX: | Female | GENDER IDENTITY: | Cis |
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: | Heteroromantic | SEXUAL ORIENTATION: | Heterosexual |
From the Storm Hawks universe, owned by Nerd Corps, where people survive above the clouds on the mountaintops, and traveling through the air with ships and winged motorcycles, powered by crystals. Humans and other creatures and cultures exist along with crystal magic, but it's a rare gift. Cartoon hijinks and physics apply, but it's not usually over the top.
Thick, coarse, straight black, shoulder-blade hair with an uneven medium-wide curved hairline usually tied back in a low ponytail.
- 5'9";
- Balanced body vertical body type with an inverted triangle horizontal body shape and even-lengthed arms, and a rather flat chest;
- Cool IV brown skin tone;
- Medium-narrow hands with a norman arch, four long conical digits and dark colored nails;
- Feet with three finger-like toes, with one arranged like a thumb on one’s hand;
- As Kite, she’s shorter, leaner, with fair skin, blue eyes and red hair she keeps in a bob-tail
- As Gully, she’s shorter than Kite, slightly more muscular, tanned skin, brown eyes, and long blonde hair, tied in a loose ponytail.
- A narrow face shape with an elongated animal-like, box-like muzzle;
- A flat forehead with a prominent brow bone;
- Sparse to nonexistent eyebrows with 3 yin tong lines;
- Large, front-facing, wide-apart, upturned round eyes with yellow sclera and the iris small and black;
- Small black, triangular rhinarium;
- Horse-like ears, built to hear over great distances and pin-point where the sounds are located;
- Crooked mouth, a crooked line between the lips, and when relaxed, the mouth is half open;
- High, round freckled cheeks;
- Dropped narrow jaws with a crossbite;
- Long, jutting, pointed chin.
Maggie wears a dark-colored long-sleeved thermal shirt, loose cargo pants, and a red leather crop jacket. Also wears laced open-toed shoes made of a flap of leather. She also wears a crystal around her neck. After it breaks into pieces, she puts them in a glass tube and continues to wear it around her neck.
As Kite, she wears the same outfit, but as Gully, she switches to dirt and moss colored patched up loose shirts and pants.
Extrovert (E): | a person predominantly concerned with external things or objective considerations. |
Intuition (N)/Sensing (S): | a person whose personality has a balance of sensing and intuition features, processing information through what they directly experiences, valuing facts, as well as processing information through patterns, reading between the lines, impressions, and values inspiration and imagination. |
Thinking (T): | a person who predominantly makes decisions based on facts, with the head ruling over their heart. |
Perceiving (P): | a person who predominantly lives by improvisation, and keeping their schedule open and tends to juggle tasks. |
OPENNESS: | Very open to new experiences. Her father took her everywhere, taught her everything, shared with her everything. That didn’t stop when Falco disappeared. She ran away from her foster parents, took the opportunity to attend the sky knight academy, became an Interceptor, and continued her travels and studies. Nothing inside of her wants to sit still. When she does, that’s when the loneliness creeps in. |
AGREEABLENESS: | Rarely adjusts her attitude or behavior to suit others. Unless she receives some benefit, she doesn’t tend to pull her punches. She doesn’t like them? She doesn’t like them. If there’s an elephant in the room that is getting in the way, she’ll talk about that elephant. |
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: | Works hard studying, practicing, and earning her keep, but isn’t honest about herself to other people in order to keep herself safe. Even if all of her secrets were out, she finds it difficult to confide in people. |
NEUROTICISM: | Regularly shows her emotions. Angry, sad, scared, she shows them all, not caring if it makes people uncomfortable, but just because she’s scared, it doesn’t mean she stops what she needs to do. |
Chaotic Good - Chaotic Neutral
CHAOTIC GOOD: | She has his own morals that may conflict with society, but are ultimately benevolent and have kind hearts. |
CHAOTIC NEUTRAL: | She follows his own whims, and mainly focused on their well-being. They aren't evil about it, they just aren't necessarily motivated by the needs of others. |
Outlaw - Explorer
OUTLAW: | Tends toward humility and acceptance, helping to recognize the need for change without denying the pain and grief it involves. Knows how to let go of old habits, activities, and relationships that are no longer productive or fulfilling. |
EXPLORER: | Self-ruling and ambitious. Has a tendency towards alienation, dissatisfaction, and emptiness. They find a sense of higher meaning and value in their life. |
Enterprising / Persuader - Investigative / Thinker
ENTERPRISING / PERSUADER: | Likes to work with people, influencing, persuading, leading or managing for organizational goals or economic gain. |
INVESTIGATIVE / THINKER: | Likes to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems. |
Challenger - Helper
CHALLENGER: | Self-confident, strong, and assertive, protective, resourceful, and be domineering. |
HELPER: | Empathetic, sincere and warm-hearted, self-sacrificing and can be sentimental and a people-pleaser. |
ADDICTION: | She an addiction to opera and reading. To avoid her issues and problems, she'll ignore everything and everyone while listening to opera and reading books. She's amassed a large collection that she hates letting go of. |
AVERSION: | She has a major aversion to tight, enclosed places. Boxes, closets, being encased in a bag, etc. But she's fine if there's an opening, like a hallway, or a ventilation system. |
FEAR: | She has a major fear of not working hard enough, believing that if she doesn't, she'll be alone or overlooked, or not earn her keep and be kicked out. |
IMMORTALITY: | She a neutral belief that disrespecting religion/philosophy is fine, especially if that system of thought and belief harms people. |
INCOMPETENCY: | They have a neutral incapability to dieting. If she has to because she’s low on food, she’ll fast and ration, but, otherwise, she eats healthy meals and works out anyway, and doesn’t need to “diet.” If she’s invited to eat some greasy chilidogs on occasion, she’ll indulge in that, too. |
POOR JUDGEMENT: | They have a minor sense of poor judgment in being overly dependent on other people, and needing others to help her hide, even if she’s hiding in plain sight. |
COURAGE (STRENGTH OF HEART): | While Maggie often leaps into action without thinking, she’s able to quickly come up with plans as the pieces move with nothing but her sense of morality of knowing she’s doing the right thing fueling her; however, when it comes to facing her own shortcomings, she tends to run away and hide, or lash out when she’s cornered. It’s painful that she knows herself too well, but thinks there’s nothing she can do to change who she is, who she’s had to be in order to survive. Whatever she sets her mind to something, she does it, no questions or prompts needed, even when her world is falling apart, because that’s become a new distraction, but, even as her world falls apart, she still hopes for the best that things will get better. |
HUMANITY (STRENGTH OF OTHERS): | A life of suffering and loneliness is no excuse to acts of cruelty, and for those people, Maggie won’t show empathy or sympathize with them; otherwise, she feels it’s a social responsibility to help those in need, even when they don’t want it or ask for it, to which part of that reason also falls to her personal moral stance. Because her father was all she had growing up, she can’t bear the thought of living a life without him, and does anything she can to find him, even to the point where others would say she’s obsessed, and due to what had transpired during his disappearance, she has become distrusting and suspicious of people in general, so doesn’t tend to help people unless she happens to pass through. This obsession and mistrust also dampens her ability to form friendships, and the thought of moving on and finding a romantic partner never crossed her mind. That being said, just because she hasn’t formed strong bonds, doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to read a room. She’s very aware of what people think of her and the impression she imparts on people, and she uses that knowledge to traverse her environment like she was playing chess, whether it’s getting strangers to tell her information she wants to know, or to get them to decide on their own what she wants them to decide. |
JUSTICE (STRENGTH OF COMMUNITY): | While Maggie believes there are lines one should never cross, like genocide, there’s still a part of her that understands desperation of wanting to survive. She may not sympathize with them, but knows there are some cases that personal moralities are tossed aside when some are trying to survive in anyway they think they can. It’s a hard, thin, line when making judgments about someone, especially when trying to weigh principles and morals with every single situation. Because of those hard judgment calls, Maggie can form some compassion, but recognizes that she is not the person who should be making those final decisions. That being said, while she takes full responsibility for her part in her team, she doesn’t have any loyalty to her home on Terra Merbia, nor does she feel any sort of belonging or community spirit in the rest of Atmos. She does her job because she wants Cyclonia to fall. That’s it. And once that happens, she’ll disappear and do whatever it is she feels like doing. Maggie knows what needs to be done and in what steps to take, and because she’s so gung-ho about getting it done, she learns how to motivate others to help her do it, to the point where they don’t start double-guessing their decision until they’re in the midst of doing it. Sometimes, Maggie inadvertently puts others in danger. |
TEMPERANCE (STRENGTH OF SELF): | Because she knows how to plan long-term and short-term plans to the minutia of detail, her plans don’t often go awry, and if they do, she had came up with a plan to set it back on track. Relaying others how to get back on track, however. . . . That said, when something goes wrong and upsets her, she’s usually able to bounce back and get back on task, but she is prone to distractions and taking on more tasks while she hasn’t yet completed her initial goal, so it may take her longer to complete something. While she knows herself very well, she has a prone to make herself better than what she is, or feels, because she believes that’s the only way people would accept her. Having an eidetic memory is already something short of a miracle, but it often gets in her way, using it as a shield when she’s in the wrong. It also hinders her in forgiving people because she remembers every hurt other people had inflicted on her, so repairing relationships through forgiveness is difficult. |
TRANSCENDENCE (STRENGTH OF SPIRIT): | Maggie is virtually done with people and the world that almost nothing moves her anymore, whether it be beauty in something, appreciating other people’s talents or skills, and she often scrutinizes other people’s sense of morality and judgment. Nothing but the thought of finding her father brings her comfort. That said, for those people that have helped her, or people she admires or respects, she is very grateful to them for shaping her and teaching her. One of these people is, of course, her father, who she hopes beyond hope, that after ten years, she’ll find, where others would have given up long ago and would have called her blindly naive. When things start looking down, she tries to find reasons to smile and laugh through the hardships. She’ll do anything to get back onto finding her father. |
WISDOM (STRENGTH OF HEAD): | Much like her father, her thought process behind her theories or modifications can often be idealistic and may not work, either because it simply doesn’t work, thinking she just hasn’t learned enough yet and it’s advanced. However, she doesn’t have much curiosity for things that are outside of her focus. She reads more out of boredom than actually wanting to read the material out of interest. However, she’ll admit defeat and admit she’s wrong when she finds material that proves her wrong, and then pursue a different direction or theory. Only when she has exhausted her studies on a subject does she pursue a different interest with glee and vigor. Because of this narrow-mindedness, she finds it difficult to put herself in other people’s shoes, and so doesn’t tend to give life advice. No one is her, so why should she be the one to give advice? |
The Sky Council and G.O.O.S. had stuck to tradition, almost unchanging since its founding, which Maggie finds stifling, inflexible, and will soon crumble if changes don't happen and don't happen often. That isn't to say that there aren't some aspects of tradition and old laws she can learn from, but making changes, to see what works and doesn't work highlights this. That said, at the end, Maggie thinks the top priority should be the welfare of the community. No one should go hungry, no one should be unjustly imprisoned, no one should be denied medicine, and no one should be without a home and safety.
Solving puzzles and riddles, cryptanalysis, listening to music (opera, mainly), foreign language learning, exploring, chess.
Doctor Ibis Falco: | A genius and paranoid recluse who hid his daughter from the world after his wife died. Founder of Tin-Hat Co, which helped fund his exploration of the ancient civilizations and his studies of the Far Side. His inventions, theories and discoveries are often seen as insane and eccentric, so much so that the other Merbs from Terra Merbia consider him an outcast that only brings danger to their home. He’s also a prominent member of Guardians of Obscure Secrets (G.O.O.S.). |
(Father) | |
"MOTHER" (deceased): | An intellectual who recognized Maggie’s talents and wanted to keep her safe more than letting her explore the world. Died in a tragic fall down the stairs when Maggie was little. |
(Mother) |
STARLING: | When Maggie became Kite, she and Starling became almost like sisters, learning from each other and telling each other things. She inspired Maggie to be more competitive and stick up for herself. Maggie trusted Starling more than anybody, but couldn’t tell her the truth about hiding her identity, and why, especially not after Repton had destroyed Terra Mesa and their team. Kite not being real would have made Starling never trust her again. |
STARLING: | While Starling spurred on Maggie’s competitiveness, Maggie always wanted to someday surpass her. The only thing she managed to pass her on was how many books she was able to read. Sky fu, weapons, training, even flying, Maggie could barely hold a candle to Starling. |
CYCLONIA: | A nation wanting to take over the world, and mine the crystals so no one can fight back. They kidnapped Maggie and Falco so they could help them reach the Far Side to amass more power, but while Maggie escaped, Falco went missing. |
CYCLONIS: | While kidnapped, Maggie was Cyclonis’s play-mate. While Cyclonis was in awe of Maggie’s phenominal memory, seemingly never forgetting anything, and also of her ability to mimic just about anyone’s voice, making reading fairytales and stories exciting and fun, but whenever Cyclonis did become angry with Maggie, she would lock Maggie in a box. Maggie was also locked in a box if Falco didn’t do as her grandmother asked. |
STORK: | While she never officially met Stork, she knew about him from her father. If her father liked him well enough, she figured she would, too, and imagined what it would have been like to meet, but never did. Other things were too important. |
Storge - Mania
STORGE: | Friendship Love |
MANIA: | Possessive, Dependent Love |
Primary - Secondary
FEARFUL-AVOIDANT: They desire relationships and are comfortable in them until they develop emotionally close. At this point, the detachment feelings that were suppressed in childhood begin to resurface, and they are re-living an old trauma. They don't have a coherent sense of themselves nor do they have a clear connection with others.
Flying on a skimmer, small repairs, eidetic memory, sky fu, cipher decoder/encoder, speaks several languages, including ancient dialects, and voice impersonations.
Crystal-powered bolo that she uses either to signal to her teammates, or to create a distraction.
Slip-Wing Fighter Classic that she inherited from Starling when she upgraded to Ultra, and modified it to make sharper turns.
POSITIVE EXTERNAL: | Maggie wants to help defeat the Cyclonians, making the world and her home safer after Repton had slain her comerades who died trying to make the world better, but trying to find “Kite”, Falco, took a higher priority. In the story, I have Maggie follow that same goal. |
NEGATIVE EXTERNAL: | What Maggie truly wants is to find her father, Dr. Ibis Falco, even if it means lying and hiding from her friends, both, because she wants his love and security, easing her painful loneliness, but also because his discoveries and theories about the world and the Far Side never ceased to stimulate her curiosity, but the Cyclonians, Starling, and the job of being a sky knight kept getting in the way. In the story, she has to stop pursuing this goal. |
POSITIVE INTERNAL: | Aside from familial love, Maggie wants love and belonging, both in joining the Storm Hawks, an intellectual partnership with Piper, and maybe something more from Stork, mostly because her life had become chaotic and would like some sort of stability; however, she takes too large of steps, which puts this goal into jeopardy in the story. Maggie has to decide to pursue a different goal. |
NEGATIVE INTERNAL: | She’s so focused on trying to find her father, all the while trying to better the world while keeping secrets, that she doesn’t allow herself very many pleasures or breaks, mostly because she feels guilty for not finding her father, keeping Starling in the dark, and losing her teammates in a massacre that she couldn’t prevent. This creates friction with just about whomever she meets and she has trouble making friends unless they are willing to give her their ample supply of patience. The stakes are too high for her to find another internal goal for herself or to allow side-adventures that have nothing to do with her father or stopping Cyclonia. |
Ibis Falco and his wife were braver than most merbs. Instead of holing up in their caves, they traveled and learned about places outside of their home, dreaming of a wider future. Falco, having helped in numerous expeditions, and built improvised tools was recruited into G.O.O.S. by Arygyn, who later became best friends with Oppinsaur, talking about ideas and inventions. Tinamou hated his guts, however. When Maggie was born, they slowed down their travels and stayed home on Merbia. They were largely ignored, except for a few that asked him for occasional help. One of which was Stork who was ecstatic to see him and ask him about his adventures.
Maggie had proven early that she had a remarkable memory, and learned fast. She knew how to read before she even spoke a word. Because Cyclonia had been steadily becoming more and more at unrest, his wife wanted him to stay home, settle down, and to keep the excitable wild-child Maggie safe. She was a worry-wart. But, then, Falco’s wife fell down the stairs and died. Falco changed. Falco took Maggie everywhere with him, and hid her away from the world, except G.O.O.S.. Not even Merbia and Stork knew he had a daughter.
As Falco attended more meetings, and went on more expeditions, he slowly realized that danger was just around the corner, and feared he was being spied on, so became even more secretive, even with Maggie. He once believed that secrets would destroy the world, but wasn’t sure if telling Maggie would be the best thing to do.
When Maggie was nine, they returned home for a short visit, only for Falco to receive word that the Cyclonians were headed to Merbia. So he sounded the terra-wide alert system and burned his home down, intending to take Maggie off of the terra and run during the confusion, but they were caught and kidnapped. Falco was threatened with Maggie’s life to do as Cyclonis’s grandmother asked of him—to forge a key to the Far Side—or Maggie would take his place for his consequences, demonstrating it by locking her into a small box.
Falco and Maggie were there for over six months. During which, when Falco seemingly cooperated, Maggie would read to Cyclonis stories of heroes vanquishing evil, one of which was the adventures of Kite and Gully. Cyclonis didn’t think they were evil, and didn’t realize the consequences of stealing crystal ore. Cyclonis said her grandmother just wanted them to return to where they belonged. Cyclonis wanted Maggie to promise that she’d never leave, because she was lonely, and Maggie promised.
During the large battle between Sky Knights and Cyclonia, Falco took his chance. He snuck a crystal to Maggie and told her to escape any way she could. He had to go back and destroy his notes, but promised that they would find each other. Maggie escaped through the sewers and wandered the wastelands. She made it to a junk terra where she discovered that by wishing she had a hero to save her, she had turned into a human girl, exactly how Maggie pictured Kite from the books. She was soon picked up by sky knights and took her into the foster system.
People thought she was a Cyclonian kid, and wasn’t sure what to do with her, which scared Maggie. She didn’t talk. When it was decided she wasn’t to be returned to Cyclonia, she told people her name was Kite and she was 12 (not 10). From then on, she ran away when she could, trying to catch any rumors about Falco, or the Far Side, but she never returned to Merbia. She knew it wasn’t safe there anymore.
A couple of years later, the newly-formed Interceptors flew to a diner after receiving a call about a bunch of Cyclonian Talons harassing and threatening the patrons. When the Interceptors arrived, two of the Talons were already knocked out, and the other three were focusing their anger out on a young red-headed girl, bruised, smudged head to foot with dirt and grime, and clothed in oversized, hand-me-down rags.
The Interceptors fought the rest of them off and helped the girl. The manager said that she had been begging for scraps and was about to kick her out when the Talons had walked in. She fought them off as best she could when they shoved her aside. The girl only made it worse for herself. Starling requested permission to let her clean herself up in the bathroom and buy her a meal alongside theirs. The girl wasn’t by any means a picky eater. The team was more concerned that she was a young girl, dirty, alone, and begging for food, so they struck up a conversation.
The Interceptors learned three things. Her name was Kite. She was fourteen. Four months ago, she ran away from her foster parents.
Kite didn’t fight them, make excuses, or lie about where her foster family lived, so returning her there was easy. Leaving her there, however, was harder. Kite’s foster parents had given up on her. They pointed, and told her to go to her room, telling her her social worker would be there soon. Kite didn’t argue. The couple said she was as smart as a whip, both in intelligence and in wit, but she had too much of a mind of her own, often skipping school, or often running away in general.
They waited at Starling’s request, wanting to speak to the social worker. Kite had already proven to have tenacity, drive, and resourcefulness, and Starling thought those traits should have been brought to better use. They met Kite’s social worker, and the Interceptors offered a proposal to have Kite enter the Sky Knight Academy in Atmosia, where they could house her, feed her, and teach her how to reach her fullest potential.
The middle-aged woman doubted that Kite would make it as a Sky Knight, and it would just be a waste of funding. Kite never stuck to anything, anyone, or anywhere for too long. The woman told them that Sky Knights had found her wandering the wastes two years prior, guessing that she may have belonged to the Cyclonians, and was either forgotten or abandoned. Kite had refused to speak for months, and when she finally did start talking, she still refused to speak about her time in Cyclonian territory.
Starling had three days. They trained Kite on the basics of combat, weaponry, and the Sky Knight code. She could see that Kite wanted something and wanted to go after it, and Starling assured her that if she graduated the academy, she could obtain anything she wanted. She didn’t believe Kite wanted to return to Cyclonia. If she had, she would have returned there years ago. It appeared no one would have stopped her. After three days, Kite showed her social worker that she was a quick learner, fully capable of becoming a Sky Knight, and after Starling put her name and reputation as being the best in her class—second just under Lightning Strike, the leader of the original Storm Hawks team—the Sky Knight Council decided to give her a shot.
Kite and the academy mailed them her progress, and she quickly excelled in everything without any problems, even if she didn’t beat any records except for graduating a year later, earlier than anyone had done before. Soon after, Kite found them during a mission and asked to join them even though she hadn’t been officially knighted. The school couldn’t keep her, and there was no way she was staying with any family, waiting until she was old enough to join a squadron, which would only put her in danger when she would eventually run away. At least she would have a team with her if anything went wrong.
She had been a valuable teammate for over five years before their dogfight with the Raptors, where their teammates and Terra Mesa had been massacred with their shield stolen as a trophy. Starling had tried to rescue them, but Kite held her back, saying it would be suicide. They argued, and Starling hit her. Kite left, leaving Starling a note saying she had a promise to keep to someone, and not to bother looking for her.
Three years later, Starling overheard Repton yelling to his team about finding the girl on the modified red skimmer who stole the map.
The Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test by Syeria |
1. | The crystal Falco gave Maggie changed her into a human as long as she wore it or kept it on her. It didn't just disguise her as one. Maggie became Kite to hide herself, and then later became Gully to hide Kite. |
Storm Hawks and all original elements, including settings, characters, and plot of the canon material belongs to Nerd Corps. This character, fan fiction and all of the additional elements are of my own creation, created for transformative, nonprofit, entertainment purposes only, and not purported to be canon or directly contribute to the canon material.
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