A young genius teen navigating life between a strict emotional blank-slate of a high-profile criminal lawyer mother, and a budding super-villain father, whose sole purpose in life is to take over the world. Everything in his life is anything but normal, which is the only thing he wants, for at least a little while.

NAME: Justin Case
A pun based on his hobby of making survival guides and kits for just-in-case situations.
TITLE: Good Enough
ETHNICITY: Mixed Caucasian NATIONALITY: American
AGE: 17 BIRTH-DATE: March 10


Takes place in Disney's Kim Possible cartoon series, where while magic and psychic abilities don't exist, aliens and power-granting meteorites exist. That being said and abundance of characters are known as geniuses or highly skilled.


Mid-back 2A wavy brown hair. His mother wants him to cut his hair, but keeps it long because he wants to look more like his father, likes having long hair, and if he did have short hair, it would look more like a frizzy curly mess.


  • 5'7";
  • Long torso short legged vertical body type with a thin rectangle horizontal body shape and long-lengthed arms;
  • Cool I-II skin tone, according to the Fitzpatrick Skin Tone Scale;
  • Large-narrow hands with a norman arch, and long square fingers. Has small conical/oval shaped nails;
  • Small wide celtic feet with a neutral arch.


  • Inverted triangle face shape;
  • High broad flat forehead with a brow bone that’s smooth;
  • Bushy long low close angled eyebrows set at an even angle with no yin tong lines;
  • Proportionate, close-set, upturned hooded round brown eyes with darker nevus. He needs driving glasses;
  • Large, high-set, straight nose with a rounded tip and open nostrils;
  • Flat to the head, average-set, different sized pointed ears with a fragile thin to no, and darker thick and dangling lobes;
  • Medium, deep, philtrum, with a medium, higher on the right side, crooked mouth, a wavy line between the thin bottom protruding bottom lips. The cupid’s bow has a shallow narrow V with rounded peaks and a smooth bottom. The arial is puffy, and, when relaxed, the mouth is half open;
  • Closer to the ears, indented cheeks;
  • Dropped prominent jaws with an even bite;
  • Extremely large, extremely square, cleft chin.







A form-fitting long sleeved black shirt with an unbuttoned button-up shirt worn over it decorated with a print and the sleeves rolled a quarter of the way up. Faded and scuffed slim-fitted jeans and converse shoes. Leather cuff bracelets and a USB necklace.


Justin keeps his printed button-up shirts, buttoning up to the second button from the top, and his sleeves buttoned, closed at his wrists, untucked out of his dark-colored slacks and polished oxfords.


Wears a tuxedo to the senior dance. To other formal occasions, Justin would wear a simple suit and tie.



Extrovert (E): a person predominantly concerned with other people’s thoughts and feelings and experiences rather than with internal things.
Intuition (N): a person who predominantly processes information through patterns, reading between the lines, and impressions, and value inspiration and imagination.
Thinking (T): a person who predominantly makes decisions based on facts, with the head ruling over their heart.
Judging/Perceiving (J/P): a person whose personality has a balance of judging and perceiving features, able to live with schedules and completing tasks one by one as well as keeping their schedules open and juggling tasks.


OPENNESS: Due to being cooped up in private schools or at home with a tutor, Justin had a lot of energy to expel, and a lot of frustration to get out. The feelings didn’t lessen when he ran away and found his dad, and found freedom. If anything, he yearned for more. That’s part of the reason why he went back to high school after having earned college degrees; he wanted some normal socialization with people his own age. To some, that might be mentally stifling, but Justin saw it as a break from his usual.
AGREEABLENESS: Being the smartest person in the room can be off-putting to other people as it is, but his attitude certainly doesn’t help. He’s incredibly blunt, and isn’t afraid to use sarcasm to point out the obvious to the utterly oblivious. Some students loathe him, and some teachers just want him to go home or move on. The few who don’t mind him see it as him just not being challenged enough, he just doesn’t find those people interesting enough to converse with, or think it’s funny when it’s not them he’s verbally skewering. He takes no shits from anyone, whether it be his peers, teachers, or super villains bent on taking over the world. The one person he’s afraid of is his mother.
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: Justin’s mother instilled honesty and working hard so deeply, he’s half convinced that she’s psychic and can instantly tell if he’s lying at all and what he’s lying about. She’s good, and he knows she’s not that good, but he can’t help it. He doesn’t want to hurt her, and would only lie to keep her out of danger. His honesty and work ethic also stems from not wanting to manipulate people, as he’s seen her mother do with her boy toys. He finds it squeamish to do so.
NEUROTICISM: The one thing both of his parents had in common, was wanting open communication from him. That being said, Drakken and Charity were opposites of the same coin. Whenever Justin was facing a problem, his mother would tell him to buck up, stop crying and whining, and solve it on his own. She would listen to him and let him vent, but she wouldn’t lift a hand to help him, even if he needed it. His father, on the other hand, would coddle and help him as best he could, even going the extra-mile of threatening to evaporate Justin’s bullies from cram school. Older kids, ugh. Of course Justin didn’t want his bullies to be evaporated or destroyed, so he decided he would have to pick and choose what he shared with both parents. This picking and choosing what to share extended to the rest of his social life.


Neutral Good

NEUTRAL GOOD: Work with people in power and are devoted to helping others, but don't necessarily have a bias in either direction.


Outlaw - Innocent

OUTLAW: Tends toward humility and acceptance, helping to recognize the need for change without denying the pain and grief it involves. Knows how to let go of old habits, activities, and relationships that are no longer productive or fulfilling.
INNOCENT: Wants to be loved and be socially acceptable. Calls for a safe, secure environment, to be protected, and experience unconditional love.


Social / Helper - Realistic / Doer

SOCIAL / HELPER: Likes to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train, or cure them, or are skilled with words.
REALISTIC / DOER: Has athletic abilities, prefers to work with objects, machines, tools, plants or animals, or to be outdoors.


Helper - Investigator

HELPER: Empathetic, sincere and warm-hearted, self-sacrificing and can be sentimental and a people-pleaser.
INVESTIGATOR: Alert, insightful, and curious, able to focus on developing complex ideas and skills, and become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructions.


ADDICTION: Whenever he’s angry or stressed, he becomes impulsive and reckless, often resulting in running away or just wandering around to find things to do. As he got older, and smarter, his risky activities get more and more dangerous.
AVERSION: He has a minor aversion to fish. Let’s just say that Justin got a little too close to Drakken’s moat filled with piranha’s once when he was small. He has a scar on his butt and everything.
FEAR: He’s a little afraid of embarrassing himself when he speaks to the public during presentations, but he’s usually able to laugh it off and get his audience to laugh with him if he flubs up.
IMMORTALITY: While Justin doesn’t usually approve of his mother’s boyfriends, he sees that she’s in a happier mood when she’s on one of her dates, even if it’s a no-strings attached sort of relationships. While this makes his life a little confusing, and a little hectic, he knows his mother is an adult who can make her own decisions, as can other people. As long as she’s smart about it by not bringing home weirdos, he pays no mind. Heck, Justin thinks his dad should go on a date every once in a while, just to get out and do something different. Maybe if he found someone else to care about, he’d give up his world-domineering dreams.
INCOMPETENCY: It takes Justin a little longer than others to let go of annoyances, grievances, or if anyone did any wrong-doing to him, but after that he can let go and move on.
POOR JUDGEMENT: While he sees that his father isn’t a good person for society, he’s the only person Justin thinks of as a father, and a good one at that, so while he admonishes his father’s villainy and evil-doing, he’s just not willing to turn him in or let go of him. If anything, he’s a little dependent on his father’s love, affection, and acceptance. His mother and others don’t understand why, and, if he were honest, his father’s usual activities and covering for him stresses and worries Justin out.



Due to his unique upbringing of being surrounded by his mother’s ethics and morals, and his dad’s evil villainy, bringing with it untold numbers of dangerous situations, Justin has a tendency to leap into action without a thought, assuming the worst possible situation. He’s also not afraid to badmouth people who he deems is doing wrong. As for facing things about himself, he still needs help with that, so had seen a therapist for a time; however with the complications and secrets his parents bring, he found that he couldn’t actually talk to the therapist about it, so quit seeing her. That said, he is honest about himself with a “what you see is what you get” attitude.

When he wants to do something, he does it and gets it done, even if it means putting aside some things he needs to do. Like homework (even though he technically doesn’t need a high school degree), or calling is mom or dad, or other semi-important tasks. Focusing on his work tends to be the highlight of his otherwise chaotic life, and the push and pull his parents have with him sucks the zest out of what remains.


If he’s going to show any amount of kindness, it’s going to be if it aligns with his morals, which happens to be on the good side of the axis, thankfully for others. He just doesn’t find it in himself to help others out of empathy or from some sort of social responsibility.

As far as relationships go, despite the extremeness of his parents, Justin shows an average teenage type of relationship with his with wanting to have distance and independence, and his parents pushing back against that by either coddling him or dictating his life, but he doesn’t tend to make friends easily due to his blunt attitude, but perhaps that could be ground down somewhat with someone he’s romantically interested in.

JUSTICE (STRENGTH OF COMMUNITY): Despite lacking in empathy in the kindness department, he can sympathize with people who had to make tough decisions due to the extreme levels of stress their environment had on them, and while it doesn’t excuse everything, he does take it into account when making fair decisions. When given the chance, he can break down tasks in step-by-step protocols and inspire people to help him achieve those goals, making him a leader almost any organization would want; however, due to how he perceives incompetence, he’d more than likely just do it himself, especially if it’ll help other people, even people around the world.

Justin has had some major practice in forgiving people, particularly his parents, whether it be for missing special events, or almost vaporizing a town because his bully happened to live there. He’s had to find ways of forgiving his parents so much that people would say that he lets them push him around. Does this condoning, forgetting and reconciliation work with people outside his immediate family. Yes, but not to this extreme.

Other than that, he knows himself, can plan long-term and short-term goals, and while he’s very task-oriented, if he’s hitting a wall, or if something his frustrating him, he has to take a break from it until he feels better and start afresh.


He always looks to others to better himself, whether it be taking care of his health, improve his skills, and to better himself as a moral member of society. When it comes to gratitude, while he shows his in general instances, if someone went out of their way to help him, he doesn’t feel a dire need to return the favor, since they volunteered their time and effort even if he didn’t need help in the first place. And said so.

Despite his extreme family drama, he hopes that things will get better eventually, and usually uses humor to make light of the situation and how he actually feels. He may not be a spiritual person, but he does believe that things happen for a reason, good and bad, and he does find comfort in that.

WISDOM (STRENGTH OF HEAD): Justin is extremely creative, and curious, much to the chagrin of his mother, because when he’s bored, he’s up to something she can’t begin to predict. Because he can’t trust his dad to always tell the truth, nor can he also trust his mom not to misconstrue the truth to her opinion, he’s had to research things for himself to the point where he has trouble contributing to conversations because he thinks he’s wrong about a topic, so he has to research it beforehand. Because he already has to double-guess himself, he’s reluctant to learn about new things unless it corresponds with his interests. That being said, due to all of his research and being in a tough pair of shoes, he can imagine what it’s like for other people, and can give sound advice, and he can ask himself what would make him happy and improve his life.



A person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. A mind–body philosophy marked by the belief that basic physical events (sense organs, neural impulses, and muscle contractions) are causal with respect to mental events (thought, consciousness, and cognition). The doctrine that all natural phenomena, including life and thought, allow mechanical explanation by physics and chemistry.


Lock-picking, mechanics and robotics, skateboarding, parkour, paint-balling, coding, and making tool kits for any situation: mechanical tool kits, medical kits, survival kits, sewing kits, kits for life in general.


CHARITY CASE: A criminal lawyer, who decided she didn't want to wait for "the one" to have children, mostly because having a child seemed to be the next step in her life, even if she didn’t really want children. She decided to go through in vitro fertilization, but the doctors mixed up the donated genetic material and gave her Drakken's. She sued the hospital and was awarded millions of dollars, and now lives the life of luxury. She’s proven herself time and time again that she doesn’t need help from anyone, and often takes advantage of others for her own gain. She didn’t have to sue the hospital, but she did because she saw an easy lawsuit. She doesn’t need child support from Drakken, but uses him for some time away from Justin—being a single mom of a mischievous genius is hard, yo. Her love is less based on an emotional bond, and more out of practicality and the logicalness of it. It’s a “He’s my child, so I love him” instead of “I love him because he’s my child.” She knows this and feels guilty for it, but is extremely proud of him and his accomplishments and wants him to go down the path she plans for him, even if Justin doesn’t really want to.
Drew "Drakken" Theodore P. Lipsky: Justin found and tracked down when he was eight. Drakken was starting to get into his evil villainy, so, at first, had no interest in raising a kid (or paying child support). He was going to return him home ASAP, but when Justin had improved his weapon and found out his kid's practically a genius, he had a change of heart. He and the mother eventually came to terms and have joint custody. Yes, Drakken found Justin useful, but he did develop an emotional bond with his son, and has become a father in every sense of the world, and is proud of Justin. Does he want Justin to join him in his villainy? Eh, not really. That’s something he wants to do, and doesn’t want to force him into it. He can tell that Justin has no interest in world domination, but if Drakken ever does succeed, he’d certainly reserve a country or continent just for Justin. But, would he be ecstatic if Justin did turn to villainy? Heck yes!
MRS. LIPSKY: She admonished Drakken about donating sperm for money, but adores Justin all the same. She always has a big hug to give, and Justin always reciprocates with a bigger hug. Justin loves her, and loves her cooking. He always asks her for recipes so he can make it at home, but she ends up just giving him care-packages every week, always wondering why he’s so lanky, and thinks he doesn’t get enough to eat.
(Paternal Grandmother)
MOTOR ED: More family! Fun, right. . . ? No. Justin doesn’t appreciate Ed’s overly care-free attitude, but, at the same time, he did help him fix his perpetual motion fuel-less skateboard, so he is thankful for that. Justin worries that Ed will corrupt his father (more than he already is, anyway).
(First Cousin Once Removed)
COMMODORE PUDDLES: Drakken had trained him to attack Kim Possible, but Justin would, over time, train him to be more friendly and sociable so he wasn’t as vicious to . . . well . . . everybody. He’s still a work in progress.
(Drakken's Dog)


None, Really: With his mother’s grueling education schedule, the closest person he could call a friend was his therapist that his mother insisted he talked to. He specialized in kids of divorced parents, but his parents were never married, let alone divorced, but this was the closest area of expertise that his mother could find. Justin stopped talking to him when he was twelve and finally started noticing his mother’s and father’s own brand of corruption, and felt he would betray them by talking to someone about it.


JUSTINE FLANNER: The second-closest person Justin could call a friend, but they weren’t really anything but rivals. They attended the same cram school when he was younger, and often competed against each other in science class. People always lumped them together because they were geniuses in their own field, but also because they were geniuses with all-too-similar names. So people thought they would definitely get married, and they both loathed that assumption, which fuels their rivalry even more. Justin has chilled out, and wants to focus more on socializing than getting another degree, and they do have a sort-of friendship allowing them to still be able to work together on some things, but they still have that rivalry in the back-burner.


"PROFESSOR DEMENTOR" DEMENS: A man with a plan for success, and Justin is completely against him. After Dementor was acquitted, he and Charity bumped into each other in a court house, had some coffee and started dating, much to Justin’s chagrin when he finds out that he’s also an evil villain bent on world domination. Justin also despises him for trying to be buddy-buddy as a ruse for manipulating him and his mom as well as Dementor being his father’s nemesis.


Storge - Mania

STORGE: Friendship love
MANIA: Possessive, or dependent love


Words of Affirmation - Quality Time

WORDS OF AFFIRMATION: He needs to be recognized for his efforts inside and outside his relationships.
QUALITY TIME: Loves to be together with the people he loves doing anything: building, watching movies, talking--anything.


ANXIOUS / PREOCCUPIED: Is self-critical and insecure. Seeks approval and reassurance from others, yet it never relieves their self-doubt. Constantly feels they are going to be rejected, and acts clingy and overly dependent with their partner. They turn against themselves and is emotionally desperate in their relationships.


Aside from his skateboarding and parkour, Drakken also had Shego teach him hand-to-hand combat, just to make sure he could take care of himself when they weren’t around.


POSITIVE EXTERNAL: Due to intense stress from both of his homes, Justin wants to take a break from them to regroup and reconsider his choices for the rest of his life, but he doesn’t word it that way because he’s afraid of hurting both of his parents’ feelings; however he didn’t think of what other drama might unfold while attending a normal high school could bring, such as his dad’s teenage arch nemesis attending the same school.
NEGATIVE EXTERNAL: Inside, Justin just wants love and a sense of belonging, but he feels that he has to pretend to be someone he isn’t. He believes without it, he has nothing, and he doesn’t want to be alone. In the story, I’m going to have him force himself to go against this goal, or at least find another non-self-deprecating motivation.
POSITIVE INTERNAL: Justin doesn’t have a goal in mind at the moment and wants to find one, feeling guilty that, despite having degrees and the ability to pursue just about anything he wanted, he doesn’t know what he actually wants to do, but high school drama, and home-life drama distracts him. During the course of the story, I’m going to have him focus on something else.
NEGATIVE INTERNAL: Justin wants his mother’s recognition, and his father to be good, so tries to do so by trying to be perfect in everything, in the hopes of convincing his mother that he deserves her love and affection, and convincing his father there’s no point in world-domination when he should be all his father needs, but I’m going to force him to stop this destructive thought-process in the story.


Justin grew up wanting in exchange for achievements, whether it be first prize at a science fair for his skateboard that doesn’t use any fuel, to earning a Master’s degree by the time he turned eleven, whether it be love or affection. His mom would either be away at work, or she would be home, bringing her dates into the house; all the while his sitters would hardly pay any attention to him. He had made a number of them quit due to his increasingly dangerous antics and experiments, which only resulted in hiring stricter sitters. Finally, Justin had enough. When he was eight, he decided to hack into his birth file and found his father’s name, due to it being revealed (and subsequently sealed) during his mother’s malpractice law suit.

He had memorized his current sitter’s card and bought himself a plane ticket and found Drakken, who was just starting to get into his evil villainy, but Justin was so starstruck at being able to meet his dad, that the red flags went right over his head. Drakken, not particularly wanting a kid, and paying child support even less so, wanted to return him home ASAP, but Justin refused to tell him anything. While Drakken tried his best to return him home, he instead found out that Justin was a bright kid with a bright future, finding the newspaper clipping of him winning a high school science fare with his skateboard. While Justin was there, he also fixed and improved one of Drakken’s gadgets. Drakken put off returning him home and got to know the kid, and got to know him more. Justin told him everything he had been working on, and Drakken felt pride. He wanted to be in Justin’s life, somehow.

Eventually, Charity found out Justin had escaped, again, and found that he had, unfortunately, found his father. She contacted Drakken and ordered him to bring Justin home in person. She knew one day this would happen, but had hoped it would have happened when he was older. And out of the house. She poured herself a glass of wine for her trouble, and they talked with Justin in his room. Charity didn’t want him to contact Justin again, and to stay out of his life.

Drakken didn’t like that and wanted visitation rights, at least, to which Charity refused. Drakken took her to court, and, due to her negligence and that he had been able to run away, crossing state lines, Drakken was awarded partial custody. With a mediator, they worked out that Drakken could have Justin over the weekends, and spend the weekdays with his mother, with the strict deal being that when Justin was with him, he wouldn’t do any of his evil villainy work.

And so, life continued on. School and cram school during the weekdays, and father-son-bonding time during the weekends. He, along with his long-time rival, Justine Flanner, graduated high school at twelve years old, and then earning Master degrees and Ph.D’s in numerous subjects. As Justin grew up, he also grew wise to what his father had been doing when he wasn’t there, and was torn knowing that what he was doing was wrong, but he loved him, and knew that Drakken loved him back. He didn’t want to lose that. But with his mom down his neck about what career to pursue since he was almost old enough to move out, and his dad also pressuring him in choosing a career, Justin decided he wanted a break. He decided he wanted to go back to high school, and away from both of his parents.

Charity didn’t see the point, but when Justin told Drakken it was to help him socialize more, and Drakken realized he could attend the same school as his nemesis, Kim Possible, Drakken pleaded for Justin, annoying Charity enough to let him go through with it, even if she felt it was a waste of time. After some needling, she agreed. His first day of school at Middleton High as a junior is the beginning of the story.


TAN GIRAFFE: Justin is pretty much a loner, but is brave and a quick thinker. He likes helping others, but keeps it a secret because his mother has instilled in him to only help people whom can help you in return, and his father's bent on taking over the world, so makes it a point to not help people.


The Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test
by Syeria


He took college courses along with his high school courses (the first time around). He took a break from college to focus on socializing the second time he went to high school. Also, during his first go at school, he was bullied, and so Drakken told Shego to teach him how to fight back (and drive various vehicles, including Drakken’s hovercraft). Which he did, and did not get suspended or expelled because . . . who would believe that a twelve year old at four-foot-nothing beat a six-foot-two seventeen year old.

He knows about Kim Possible, mostly from his father’s ranting, and online videos of her thwarting evil villains, but has no intention of ever meeting her. His life is complicated enough as it is.


  • Nevett, Joshua. “Child Prodigies: How Geniuses Navigate the Uncertain Journey to Adulthood.” BBC News. 21 Dec. 2019. Web. 19 June. 2023.
  • Martin, Eric. “Hidden Consequences: The Impact of Incarceration on Dependent Children.” National Institute of Justice. 1 Mar. 2017. Web. 19 June 2023.
  • Lazic, Marija. “13 Saddening Children of Divorce Statistics for 2022.” Legal Jobs. 20 May 2023. Web. 19 June 2023.
  • Morin, Amy. “The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children.” Very Well Family. 22 Dec. 2022. Web. 19 June 2023.
  • Parker, Wayne. “Key Statistics About Kids From Divorced Families.” Very Well Family. 20 Feb. 2022. Web. 19 June 2023.
  • "In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)." Medline Plus. 1 Oct. 2022. Web. 19 June 2023.
  • Cornwall, Gail. “Perfectionism Can Become a Vicious Cycle in Families.” The Atlantic. July. 2017. Web. 19 June 2023.
  • Garey, Juliann. “Conflicsts Over Parenting Styles.” Child Mind Institute. Web. 19 June 2023.

Kim Possible and all original elements, including settings, characters, and plot of the canon material belongs to Disney. This character, fan fiction and all of the additional elements are of my own creation, created for transformative, nonprofit, entertainment purposes only, and not purported to be canon or directly contribute to the canon material.

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