A short summary of your character and their role in their story. "A lonely artist takes in a homeless family and finds a connection within one of the members." "A school shooting survivor learns to grieve her murderous boyfriend's death while learning to control her psychic powers." "A young woman juggling human education and witchy living and moving passed her loss and trauma, moves in with her former professor after she had testified on his behalf, saving him from a life in prison, in which they find a deeper connection than they had meant to." "A young man tries to redeem himself in his heroic acts, but his past calls him back home to face his personal demons, and the man he had murdered."NAME: | Full name and any nicknames or aliases | ||
TITLE: | Title of your story or series. | ||
SPECIES: | Species of animal or humanoid at birth. | ||
ETHNICITY: | Genetic markers indicating where the characters' lineage comes from. | ||
NATIONALITY: | What country, or countries, the character is a citizen of. | ||
AGE: | 0 | BIRTH-DATE: | January 1, 0001 |
TIME OF BIRTH: | 00:01 | ZODIAC: | Birth Sign |
SEX: | Unisex | GENDER IDENTITY: | Cis |
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: | Heteroromantic | SEXUAL ORIENTATION: | Heterosexual |
The fandom, if the character resides in a fan fiction that takes place in the original canon setting, or if your character resides in an original story, tell us a little about the universe and how the character fits in it.HAIR:
//Color, texture, and usual style. Does the style ever change?
//Height, body shape, skin-tone, hands, feet, biological sex, natural anomalies (moles, freckles, etc.), unnatural anomalies (piercing, scars, tattoos, etc.), and whatever else that’s applicable.
- Suspendisse viverra interdum.
- Aliquam scelerisque id ex et elementum. Vivamus a purus vel enim pulvinar tincidunt. Nullam.
- Praesent sed est ultricies, auctor dui eu, tincidunt quam.
- Nam sodales dolor non tortor accumsan, sed accumsan nulla faucibus.
- Aliquam mattis ex sed magna semper, ut fringilla lectus malesuada.
- Mauris lobortis ipsum interdum justo rutrum, ut sagittis dolor vestibulum.
- Proin varius nulla ac scelerisque pretium.
//Face shape, forehead and brow shape, eyebrows, eye shape, color, and sightedness, nose, ears, cheeks, mouth, jaw and chin, and whatever else that’s applicable.
- Integer condimentum ipsum vel odio hendrerit, cursus iaculis nunc ultrices.
- Fusce et tellus non ante condimentum fringilla ac quis nisi.
- Ut eu enim a risus hendrerit auctor id id risus.
- Donec eu elit in nunc feugiat tincidunt.
- Ut sollicitudin augue a sapien cursus vulputate non id mi.
- Suspendisse quis quam ut risus varius finibus sit amet a risus.
- Pellentesque suscipit ipsum a porttitor finibus.
- Ut tempor ligula quis semper iaculis.
- Sed id tellus auctor, blandit mi id, cursus orci.
- Aliquam sagittis sapien ac tellus rutrum aliquet eu tempor lorem.
- Aliquam semper quam nec molestie lobortis.
//The general style the character usually wears, their favorite color palettes or patterns. Does this style change over time? Maecenas interdum interdum sodales. Nunc pulvinar a odio vitae tempor. Donec placerat lectus vel lectus rhoncus, vitae commodo orci convallis.CASUAL:
Nullam at convallis mauris. Donec lacinia quis est nec aliquet. Quisque fermentum id tellus vel scelerisque. Aenean tempor eros quis feugiat luctus. Donec cursus massa vel augue molestie, eu porta nibh porttitor. In vehicula blandit magna, vel luctus augue ornare eget. Proin aliquet ipsum non sapien venenatis, id accumsan nibh varius. Cras sit amet eros ante. Duis semper pharetra magna, sed ornare ipsum faucibus vitae.SEMI-FORMAL:
Morbi sit amet dignissim dui. Quisque non tortor sed elit semper elementum. In venenatis pellentesque libero, ac molestie diam faucibus vel. Suspendisse hendrerit vehicula magna id accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi sed nisl nunc. Suspendisse quam justo, consequat gravida magna at, eleifend rhoncus tortor. Vivamus nec finibus leo. Morbi pharetra odio varius, pharetra quam eu, efficitur nisl. Nullam nec nisi sit amet eros consequat accumsan. Fusce fermentum cursus odio. Duis elementum, quam vitae viverra efficitur, diam orci imperdiet nisl, ut luctus lacus tortor eu ante. Nam euismod purus ac odio posuere, a volutpat arcu rhoncus. Nam lorem arcu, lobortis at massa ut, aliquam iaculis purus. Nam hendrerit tortor at turpis ullamcorper tempor.FORMAL:
Cras pellentesque, tortor vel tempor dignissim, odio ligula ultricies odio, id euismod ante neque a massa. In ut tincidunt mi, vel posuere arcu. Vestibulum porttitor finibus dolor, sed elementum nisi suscipit a. Nullam metus arcu, laoreet vel tincidunt ac, facilisis sed neque. Nam commodo mattis nunc, vitae pharetra est sodales ac. Phasellus quis purus ultricies, lobortis nunc non, varius lorem. Ut ornare urna ex, id efficitur arcu aliquam ut. Nam lacinia sit amet augue et convallis.UNIFORM:
Work uniform, school uniform, hero uniform, or just easy routine outfits that the character doesn't have to think about. Aenean lorem tellus, molestie tristique vestibulum vitae, rutrum hendrerit risus. Aliquam porta lorem non urna sollicitudin, sit amet dignissim erat egestas. Phasellus iaculis, leo sed varius ornare, lacus nunc ultricies augue, eu vulputate orci purus in erat. Praesent in leo nec ex egestas rutrum at ac nulla.MYERS-BRIGGS:
//Scales between extrovert and introvert, sensing and intuitive, feeling and thinking, and judging and perceiving. Personality in terms of genetics.Introvert (I)/Extrovert (E): | Etiam quis dolor nec mi tincidunt sodales at ut mauris. Sed mi justo, fringilla vitae nisi vitae, interdum bibendum ex. Phasellus placerat placerat est. Aenean commodo suscipit lorem, non faucibus metus scelerisque eget. Vivamus hendrerit rutrum consequat. Nulla facilisi. Etiam consequat tincidunt dolor non luctus. |
Intuition (N)/Sensing (S): | Curabitur quis magna porta sapien volutpat condimentum. Nunc consectetur nisi elit, nec suscipit velit venenatis tristique. Praesent quis nunc at metus vestibulum mattis. Phasellus nec semper metus, id rhoncus tellus. Vestibulum pulvinar risus eu nunc. Duis sagittis convallis mauris eu aliquam. Proin non ligula sit amet elit consequat elementum sit amet eu dui. Vestibulum tristique suscipit enim sed laoreet. Aenean blandit efficitur dui a tempus. Curabitur suscipit sem at lobortis dictum. Sed convallis euismod ante et sollicitudin. Cras laoreet vestibulum efficitur. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. |
Feeling(F)/Thinking (T): | In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam ultrices massa sit amet dolor cursus, nec tempus metus vehicula. Fusce imperdiet elit vitae felis congue accumsan. Suspendisse sollicitudin ornare lectus ut lobortis. Morbi semper neque vel tortor vestibulum, sit amet tincidunt lacus posuere. |
Judging/Perceiving (J/P): | Nam cursus ultricies enim, facilisis dictum libero feugiat quis. Aenean pellentesque, enim vel finibus ullamcorper, est ex mollis magna, et dignissim lectus metus in sem. Nullam quis scelerisque quam. Donec eget fringilla eros. Curabitur sed dolor ut mauris sagittis vulputate nec eu dolor. Aliquam eget ligula eget enim viverra congue a vel dolor. Sed quis purus commodo, pulvinar risus id, tristique orci. Nam sit amet gravida metus. |
OPENNESS: | //How open is a character to new experiences? |
AGREEABLENESS: | //Does this character try to be tactful and keep the peace, or are they more blunt and sticks with their guns without any middle ground? Do they work well with others as a teammate, or do they absolutely need to call the shots and be the leader? |
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: | //How honest and hardworking is this character? |
NEUROTICISM: | //How often does this character display their emotions? |
//How does their behavior and motivations do they express upon their personal morals?
PRIMARY: | Integer vel libero eget magna rutrum pellentesque. Vivamus ultrices est est, eu convallis risus pretium quis. |
SECONDARY: | Nam ornare ligula id velit placerat pretium. In efficitur, dui non bibendum ultrices, orci nisi venenatis risus, ut iaculis massa enim at quam. |
//What kind of role does this character have in the story?
PRIMARY: | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta justo vel dui viverra, vitae rutrum metus aliquam. |
SECONDARY: | Suspendisse fringilla orci sed magna semper rutrum. In quis tortor nisl. |
//What kind of career would suit this character?
PRIMARY: | Sed non eros a purus tincidunt vehicula. Donec posuere posuere lectus, non placerat sapien sodales eu. Aliquam ornare scelerisque odio. |
SECONDARY: | Aliquam orci nisi, rhoncus nec posuere nec, facilisis vel nibh. Duis gravida dui vel diam aliquam, ut dignissim tortor vehicula. |
//Personality in terms of being natured into it.
PRIMARY: | Quisque tempus molestie risus, eu venenatis ligula cursus id. Pellentesque sodales massa a egestas elementum. |
SECONDARY: | Cras feugiat nibh eu lacinia laoreet. Curabitur scelerisque magna urna, id euismod est lacinia in. |
//From Addiction to Poor Judgement are "flaws." They can be so minor that they are merely mentioned as a passing thought, if they're mentioned at all, to a major hindrance against the character. Characters can develop and get past these flaws, but it may take time and effort or a change in lifestyle. From Courage to Wisdom are "strengths," however some people may be weak, or too extreme when it comes to displaying these strengths, which can also be flaws in characters. Under the sub-categories in strengths, such as bravery, honesty, perseverance and zest under courage, I like to combine them and write a full paragraph summarizing each of these traits and providing brief examples.
ADDICTION: | //A small bad habit to full-on addictions that the character does to cope in stressful situations. |
AVERSION: | //The want to avoid things that make the characters extremely uncomfortable. |
FEAR: | //"In a situation that isn’t actually life-threatening, fear is a sign of beliefs we’re believing — and that might not be true" ("The Difference Between Fear and Aversion", Escape the Ivory Tower), such as thinking they'll just embarrass themselves if they try public speaking. |
IMMORTALITY: | //Whether it be a political stance, a spiritual stance, or a societal or cultural stance, what's something the character believes in or supports that tends to be seen as "immoral" in the eyes of the populous? The death penalty? Access to safe abortions. That religion should be taught in public schools. |
INCOMPETENCY: | //The one task or activity that the character just cannot seem to do time and time again, whether it be math, saying "no", or being able to forge a weapon despite wanting to be a blacksmith. |
POOR JUDGEMENT: | //Situations in which the character consistently makes poor judgements, such as giving people too many chances. |
COURAGE: (Strength of Heart):
BRAVERY: | There are three types of bravery: physical (e.g., firefighters, police officers, soldiers), psychological (e.g., facing painful aspects of oneself), and moral (e.g., speaking up for what's right, even if it's an unfavorable opinion to a group). |
HONESTY: | This strength involves accurately representing their internal states, intentions, and commitments, both publicly and privately. The strength of honesty is often linked to self-concordance-the extent to which their goals accurately represent their implicit interests and values. Honesty allows people to take responsibility for their feelings and behaviors, owning them, and reaping benefits by doing so. |
PERSEVERANCE: | Perseverance involves the voluntary continuation of a goal-directed action despite the presence of challenges, difficulties, and discouragement. There are two vectors of perseverance. It requires both effort for a task and duration to keep the task up. |
ZEST: | Zest is a dynamic strengths that is directly related to physical and psychological wellness. This strength has the strongest ties to overall life satisfaction and a life of engagement. |
HUMANITY: (Strength of Others)
KINDNESS: | Kind individuals believe that others are worthy of attention and affirmation for their own sake as human beings, not out of s sense of duty or principle. There are three traits of altruistic personalities: empathy/sympathy, moral reasoning, and social responsibility. |
LOVE: | The ability to love and be loved, whether it be romantic, familial, or a companionate way.There are four types of love, each with a biological and evolutionary base: attachment love (e.g., parent for child; child for parent), compassionate/altruistic love (kindness), companionate love (friendship), and romantic love (spouse, partner). |
SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE: | Social intelligence involves two general components: social awareness (what we sense about others), and social facility (what we do with our awareness). |
JUSTICE: (Strength of Community)
FAIRNESS: | Fairness is a cognitive judgment capacity that involves reasoning and making judgments. It involves 2 types of reasoning: justice reasoning which emphasizes logic and weighing principles to determine moral rights and responsibilities, and care reasoning which includes empathy and compassion; the ability to put themself in somebody else's shoes. |
LEADERSHIP: | There are two types of leaders: those whom set up a list of tasks, goals, and expectations for their followers to accomplish within the range of possibility called transactional leadership, and those support an environment that motivates their followers to trust each other and commit to their organization and goals called transformational leadership. |
TEAMWORK: | Teamwork means being able to work in a group to achieve a goal, and in order to be able to do that, they must have a sense of responsibility for and trust to the group, whether it be citizenship (their community), patriotism (their country without any hostility towards other nations), and loyalty (their group). |
TEMPERANCE: (Strength of Self)
FORGIVENESS: | There are three stages to forgiveness: condoning, where the person hurt makes the effort to remove the offense, forgetting, where the person hurt makes the effort to put the offense in the past and forget about it, and reconciliation, where the person hurt makes the effort to restore the relationship with the person whom hurt them. |
HUMILITY: | Humility involves recognizing themselves accurately in terms of limitations, keeping promises and accomplishments in perspective, not distorting information to verify or defend their image or perspective, and don't need to present themselves as "better" than they actually are. |
PRUDENCE: | Being prudent means being able to plan long-term and short-term plans with caution, measuring risks, and thinking of possible setbacks. |
SELF-REGULATION: | Self-regulation is when someone doesn't need outside influence to sustain or propel themselves towards what they strive for. Emotional self-regulation means being able to calm down when upset or stressed and cheer back up, or to stay calm in general during stressful situations. Task-oriented self-regulation means they can stay focused on tasks until completion, completely ignoring any distractions. |
TRANSCENDENCE: (Strength of Spirit)
APPRECIATION OF BEAUTY: | Appreciating the beauty of the world allows the character to appreciate certain qualities and strive to better themselves to be more like such a quality. There are three types of beauty: physical, whether it be visual, auditory, tactile, or abstract, leaving the character relishing in awe and wonder; skill and talents, where the character recognizes it in others and wants to try harder; and virtual goodness, recognizing others' sense of purity or morality, and wants to better themselves. |
GRATITUDE: | Gratitude is the recognition and appreciation of benefits along with the feeling to return the favor. There are two types of gratitude: benefit-triggered where they recognize when someone else helped them, and generalized gratitude, where they recognize and appreciate what is valuable about themself to themself. |
HOPE: | Having hope means setting goals and often using an optimistic explanatory style whenever setbacks happen that gets in the way of that goal, usually interpreting these events as external, unstable and specific, whereas a pessimistic explanatory style interpret events as internal, stable, and global. |
HUMOR: | Making others smile and laugh, and able to see the brighter side in order to keep positive. |
SPIRITUALITY: | Their beliefs shape their actions and bringing comfort to them. |
WISDOM: (Strength of Head)
CREATIVITY: | A creative individual generates ideas or behaviors that are novel or unusual and these make a positive contribution to the individual's life or the lives of others. |
CURIOSITY: | A curious person is interested in exploring new ideas, activities and experiences, and they also have a strong desire to increase their own personal knowledge. |
JUDGEMENT: | The strength of judgment is a corrective strength in that it counteracts faulty thinking, such as favoring their current views or favoring ideas that are considered the dominant view, and therefore giving less attention to the less-dominant view. It is the willingness to search actively for evidence against their favored beliefs, plans or goals and to weigh all of the evidence fairly when it is available. |
LOVE-OF-LEARNING: | Strength that teachers would like to see in their students, parents want to encourage in their children, therapists support in their clients, and employers try to foster in their employees. It has important motivational consequences because it helps people persist through challenges, setbacks and negative feedback. |
PERSPECTIVE: | Perspective is distinct from intelligence but represents a high level of knowledge, the capacity to give advice and to recognize and weight multiple sides before making decisions. It allows the individual to address important questions about the conduct and meaning of life. |
//The top three philosophies that the character follows or naturally has in common with and summarize it in a paragraph. Doesn't have to be 100%. Nunc cursus dictum varius. Nulla facilisi. Donec ut leo in libero maximus blandit ac eu arcu. Mauris tincidunt lobortis arcu et rhoncus. In ut pellentesque tortor. Ut interdum quis leo vel ultricies. Aliquam tempus lectus sed ex imperdiet, ut condimentum nulla dignissim. Donec in quam id libero congue dapibus a a tellus. Vestibulum quis maximus turpis, in fermentum lorem. Suspendisse aliquam nisi at magna porttitor, vel rhoncus erat tempor.
//A few activities that the character enjoys doing in their spare time. They don't necessarily have to be good at these activities. Pellentesque imperdiet eu erat non mollis. Ut mi ex, vestibulum in arcu id, molestie iaculis lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.Integer faucibus convallis massa, sit amet euismod ipsum vestibulum sit amet. Duis accumsan, nulla id laoreet dapibus, nunc eros imperdiet dolor, sed porttitor velit lorem eget elit.
//By the time the story starts, who's deceased, who's alive, and who of their blood relatives is the character living with or often visits? What's their relationship like? Are there close family friends that are practically family?
FAMILY NAME: | What the relationship is like. |
(Relationship) | |
FAMILY NAME: | What the relationship is like. |
(Relationship) |
//What's the name, and how long has the character known them? Why did these people become friends? If the character doesn't have any friends, that's an option too, and if so, why? Friendly acquaintances can apply here as well.
FRIENDS: | How they met and what the relationship is like. |
FRIENDS: | How they met and what the relationship is like. |
//Not necessarily enemies, but doesn't have to be a friend either. Just anyone whom someone competes with. Why is this person a rival, versus not a friend or an enemy? Or maybe they are a friend/enemy, how does this rivalry fuel this relationship?
RIVAL: | How they met and how competitive they are with each other. |
RIVAL: | How they met and how competitive they are with each other. |
//Do they have any people they just don't like? Or maybe they're actively fighting with them. It could be a single person, or a group. Why is this person an enemy?
ENEMY: | How they met why they are enemies rather than acquaintances, or rivals. |
ENEMY: | How they met why they are enemies rather than acquaintances, or rivals. |
//At the start of the story, did the character have a crush, or will develop a crush by the inciting incident Why?
CRUSH: | How they met why they are enemies rather than acquaintances, or rivals. |
//What kind of lover is this character?
PRIMARY: | Quisque tempus molestie risus, eu venenatis ligula cursus id. Pellentesque sodales massa a egestas elementum. |
SECONDARY: | Cras feugiat nibh eu lacinia laoreet. Curabitur scelerisque magna urna, id euismod est lacinia in. |
//How does this character express their love, whether it be with family, friends, or lovers?
Primary - Secondary
PRIMARY: | Quisque tempus molestie risus, eu venenatis ligula cursus id. Pellentesque sodales massa a egestas elementum. |
SECONDARY: | Cras feugiat nibh eu lacinia laoreet. Curabitur scelerisque magna urna, id euismod est lacinia in. |
//What kind of romantic partnership does the character tend to resemble?
Attachment Style: Donec consectetur erat quis egestas auctor. Integer nec nisl dignissim, porttitor lacus vel, bibendum orci. Sed non laoreet orci. Nulla nisi arcu, mattis sed mi sed, posuere tincidunt dolor. Donec imperdiet urna quis libero rutrum ullamcorper. Sed nulla metus, finibus in eros ut, porta blandit dolor. Sed tincidunt vel elit id cursus. Aenean finibus id orci eget euismod.
//Does the character have any unusual talents? Alternatively, can do something that hardly anyone else in the world can do? This is where the magic and psychic stuff can come in, but it doesn't have to be that extreme. This is also where the author can describe fighting style, strengths and the conditions under how their powers or skills wouldn't work—in other words, their weaknesses.
//The character's own goals and my goals, as the author, for the character. Positive goals refers to things that the character wants to achieve in order to improve themselves or their situation, whereas negative goals are when the character wants something at the expense of themselves or others. What lesson do I want this character to learn? This shows that I do have some form of development in mind, but whether the character follows their own goals, or the authors, can only be told through the story. Motivations give the reasoning behind why the character wants to achieve this goal. For example: my character’s goal is to find a cure. His motivation is because his mother was ill. Of course it could be more complex than that, but you get my drift. It should look something like:
POSITIVE EXTERNAL: | Fusce a eros non elit dictum aliquam eu sed diam. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris id vehicula ligula. Morbi facilisis risus ac lectus finibus, at lobortis tortor lobortis. Nam tellus leo, ullamcorper vel ex id, dictum ornare tellus. Sed porta odio id tempor blandit. Vestibulum finibus ante ut libero dapibus rutrum. Aliquam accumsan, sem mattis luctus mollis, metus quam luctus lacus, sit amet consequat diam orci quis ipsum. Morbi lacus nibh, sollicitudin ut interdum ut, molestie fermentum risus. Nulla sit amet ante malesuada, tincidunt velit eget, tempus ante. Cras efficitur sit amet orci non posuere. Nunc ornare augue eget risus feugiat consectetur. |
NEGATIVE EXTERNAL: | Vestibulum mollis lacus tellus. Morbi sit amet bibendum diam, id pellentesque ante. Pellentesque dignissim ullamcorper eros id lobortis. Fusce malesuada, eros sed consequat viverra, ex leo lacinia urna, in venenatis tellus risus non metus. Pellentesque vitae augue blandit felis porta fringilla. Proin facilisis orci id venenatis scelerisque. Sed purus dui, malesuada a efficitur eget, tincidunt nec tortor. Fusce augue odio, egestas a ex sed, facilisis scelerisque massa. Sed congue risus eget ipsum laoreet rutrum. Quisque quis eleifend odio. Vestibulum orci nulla, varius ac urna non, porta interdum metus. Suspendisse eleifend libero orci, ut vehicula sem commodo non. Morbi pretium lorem vitae eleifend tincidunt. Phasellus convallis turpis ut purus laoreet, sit amet blandit est tempor. |
POSITIVE INTERNAL: | Fusce dictum mauris nec neque viverra elementum. Morbi placerat condimentum urna ut lacinia. Fusce ultrices in diam quis volutpat. Aliquam tincidunt auctor arcu nec molestie. Sed tempus sem scelerisque ipsum euismod auctor. Suspendisse suscipit egestas ex ac porttitor. Maecenas suscipit nisl sed mattis dignissim. Fusce vel aliquet lorem, vel viverra justo. Fusce sodales, est eu molestie eleifend, turpis magna porttitor augue, quis lacinia tellus velit non nisl. |
NEGATIVE INTERNAL: | Aenean ante nisi, suscipit et purus quis, congue auctor tortor. Phasellus feugiat tincidunt quam a tristique. Donec at tellus ante. Sed at feugiat libero. Vestibulum augue nunc, mollis vel sodales et, placerat a dui. In neque mauris, fermentum et sem eu, lobortis blandit risus. Ut auctor posuere magna, vel malesuada mi efficitur eget. |
//The basic and quick run through on the history of the character up to the start of the story. We don't need to know every place the character's been. If the character is immortal, what's one thing that changed the character's immortal life? As I mentioned before, I write down anything, stopping at the beginning of the story, so I can write out the character’s life until that point where the story starts. It can be several paragraphs long or just one paragraph—it’s up to the individual, but I find that longer is usually better. I can also explain why the character acts the way they do here, in other words, a bit about their personality. To help, answer these four questions:
- What brought the character to the beginning of the main story? Physically and purposefully. What drove them here and why?
- What is the character's motivation? From their past and from the story itself. I know I said to write the character outline as if the story hasn't started yet, but I think it's OK to go a little farther, at least until the inciting incident, if/when the character creates a goal for themselves contained within the main plot of the story. I also realize that that goals and motivations were also pointed out above, but more details as to the reasons why can be written here. Or you can just skip this question or the Goals and Motivations category.
- What is the character's ghost? The character's wound from their past. From something small to something utterly traumatic, what haunts the character throughout the story?
- Which background revelations will advance the plot? What can the character discover about themselves, if they don't already know all of the details, and how does it change the conflict in order to advance the plot? What's the mystery that pulls the reader in? Are there other characters' pasts that play an integral part in this character's past as well?
Any miscellaneous information pertaining to the fandom universe that otherwise doesn't fit neatly in the other tabs, or, if the character is for an original story, this can be repurposed to something else, such as likes/dislikes, an image collection or moodboard, or whatever else that also wouldn't fit into any of the other tabs.
Test Title and Link by Test Author |
000(%) | Paragraph of what this score means for the character. The tests are taken as is, which means, even if I disagree with the statement or question, if it applies to the character, I check the box. |
//This is for anything I had noted, indicated by a little number (i.e. [1]), in the previous tabs that I would like to detail further.
1. | Clarification about what I noted about earlier. |
2. | Another clarification about another note I pointed to earlier. |
//Links and citations to resources you have looked into for your character and story (if it directly pertains tothe individual character.
- Resource 1
- Resource 2
- Resource 3
- Resource 4
- Resource 5
- Resource 6
- Resource 1
- Resource 2
- Resource 3
- Resource 4
- Resource 5
- Resource 6
[Fandom] and all original elements, including settings, characters, and plot of the canon material belongs to [Creator]. This character, fan fiction and all of the additional elements are of my own creation, created for transformative, nonprofit, entertainment purposes only, and not purported to be canon or directly contribute to the canon material.
Do you have any thoughts or questions on what you just read?
Send me an email to let me know!