I will insert a header image here.



Fan Fiction




Hello! This will be the navigation column for expanded linking to the rest of the site!

  • Site Index
  • FAQs
  • Contact Me

I'll also share the latest site updates and plans for the future, but, in the meantime, here's where else you can find me until I build my site:

Hello and Welcome!

It's been since the existence of You-Fic(.net) since I've had to use this much HTML/CSS, so bare with me while I build my brand new NeoCities site. I'm actually rather excited to try this out and explore the boundaries.

Some of my plans for this site, that you can gather from the navigation bar above, include hosting my articles, fan fiction and artwork. To specify, this includes my articles about writing, Mary-Sues, and my more (controversial) opinionated commentary pieces. I'll also include my original character outlines, for my fan fiction along with some corresponding artwork. I'm not sure when that will be since I haven't done any art in quite a while, but I want to. Life. It's kind of a mess right now.

As for organization, the navigation bar will lead you to the sub-pages of the main topic, and then list and link to individual pieces. For my articles and fan fiction, I'll include extra information, such as a brief summary, rating, and the bare minimum of key tag words. If the work is part of a series, the link will lead to the first chapter which will include a list of links to the rest of the chapters, which will also have the same sidebar of links to chapters.

I'm not sure if I'll keep a blog, or if I'll just update the home page.

I'm glad to see I can drag and drop my image files directly onto this website instead of having to depend on third-party image hosting sites, so that is a major plus; however, I don't see anything about audio/video files, so I'll have to ask around or, shudder, depend on YouTube.

And, finally, for the miscellaneous section, I'm hoping I can create random generators, quizzes and polls.

Those are my plans thus far, and once I build my site more, I hope to hear from you. Take care!

Recently Updated:

Hello! This will the the updated column where I share what I have recently uploaded.


Latest Mary-Sue news.


Latest article.

Fan Fiction:

Latest fan fiction update.

Original Character:

Newest Character.


Thumbnail image


Latest Misc. news

I will be inserting some general disclaimers here about my work being fictitious in nature, and that any persons, places, or things mentioned are coincidences, not endorsing products, and that all copyrighted material belong to their respective owners, and that my fan fiction is striving to be transformative in nature.